Monday, September 29, 2008

Three-day Weekend

So, dear reader, I know I'm a terrible person for breaking my promise and not writing at least SOMETHING every day for you. And I cannot blame it on busyness, work or emotion. I simply forgot to write, and for that, I apologize.

I've been thinking about furthering my permanent canvas, expanding the inkwork etched in my skin. As you may or may not know, I have Frank Herbert's "Litany Against Fear" in Japanese on the sinister side of my back, and the Garou glyphs for my race, tribe and aspect on my dextrous shoulder.
I've been thinking about what to balance out my back and shoulder with, mainly working on my back. After sketching up, mapping out and discarding MANY ideas, I think I've decided on at least the basic idea for my back. I want a traditional Yozi, crouching as if to strike, wielding a blade in left hand and a staff in the right, a staff connected to the tattered banner inscribed with the Litany.
I have no artwork, no sketch even. Just an idea and a mental layout. I looks fantastic in my mind's eye; dynamic, meaningful and intense. I know I don't have the skills to draw this myself, so it will probably be quite some time before the work actually gets done.

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